While not a traditional abortion fund, The Last Mile Fund bridges the gap for those who have secured funds for abortion care, but may need assistance to reach Bristol, or who have other unexpected needs during their journey. Because of the relatively rural location of Bristol, we work in tandem with regional abortion funds to help get patients to and from the local clinic. Little accessible public transportation exists, and paid services like Uber are unreliable and may be unsafe for people seeking abortion. SLAAP coordinates volunteer drivers to transport patients from nearby states, three regional airports, bus stations, local hotels and the clinic. The Last Mile Fund reimburses volunteers for gas.
Many patients who reach Bristol, especially those who travel long distances, may run short of funds for basic needs, and have no financial cushion for unplanned circumstances. The Last Mile Fund provides patients with modest cash assistance for food and gas for their return trips. The fund also helps patients who find themselves unexpectedly needing to stay the night with hotel rooms and basic necessities.
Consider supporting The Last Mile Fund by making a tax-deductible donation to SLAAP.