
While these reproductive health resources are geared towards people living in Southwest VA and Northeast TN, and those traveling to the region, much of this information may be useful for anyone seeking to learn more about abortion access or comprehensive reproductive health care.


How to Find a REAL Abortion Clinic or


How to Avoid FAKE Clinics also called "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

Expose Fake Clinics


Information on Abortion Pill by Mail

Plan C Pills

Aid Access


Where to Find Financial Help for Abortion Care

National Abortion Federation (NAF): Hotline for referrals and financial assistance

National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF): nation-wide source of funding searchable by are


Funds specifically for people seeking abortion in Southwest VA (if you are traveling from another state, also check the funds in your area)

Abortion Care Tennessee

Access Reproductive Care- Southeast

Blue Ridge Abortion Fund

Mountain Access Brigade

New River Abortion Access Fund


Free Long Acting Reversible Birth Control

A Step Ahead Tri-Cities


Need to Talk?

All-Options Talkline or (888-493-0092): Judgment-free support and referrals related to abortion, pregnancy, and adoption, and parenting.

Reprocare Healthline or (833) 226-7821: peer-based, trauma-informed emotional support

Connect and Breath or 866-647-1764: After Abortion Non-Judgemental TalkLine